Boilers & Burners

Flame failures, automatic mode malfunction, fuel air ratio controller troubles, and feedwater control system failures are all common problems that lead to marine boiler breakdowns and resultant delays in vessel operations. These problems require experienced boiler service engineer attendance to resolve and ensure the system runs at full efficiency. Through our partner with Service stations in Europe, China and Singapore we can arrange attendances and spare parts for the following boilers:
  • Kangrim Boilers
  • Aalborg Boilers
  • Mitsubishi Boilers
  • Miura Boiler
  • Osaka Boilers
  • Green Power
  • Saacke Boiler & Burners
  • Sunflame Burners
  • Hamworthy Burners
  • Oilon Burners
  • Volcano Burners
  • Weishaupt Burners


Inert Gas Systems – Nitrogen Generators

Our partner can also carry out service attendances, health checks, provide spare parts and troubleshooting advice for inert gas systems and nitrogen generators



We can also offer service and parts for the following marine incinerators

  • Atlas Incinerators
  • Sunflame Incinerators
  • Kangrim Incinerators