NextCorr Ltd.

Founded in 2020 by senior executives with a combines experience of over 100 years, specifically in the marine growth prevention and impressed current cathodic protection systems market. 
NextCorr has designed and developed its own range of MGPS & ICCP Systems as well as able to provide a first class service for all other major suppliers of MGPS and ICCP spare parts around the world.

To meet the ever changing demands and supply chain issues, NextCorr have in excess US$1mill of raw material stocks and spares in varying locations around the world, as well as several manufacturing units including Europe, America and Asia.


Marine growth prevention for sea water pipework is easy and economical to install, NextCorr MGPS/ANTIFOULING/ICAF systems have been installed by our owners and partners on more than 50,000 ships worldwide. Designed to eliminate blockages in seawater cooling lines caused by barnacles and mussels, the systems are available for vessels of every size including specific systems for luxury yachts.

Most NextCorr systems are dual action, removing biofouling and reducing corrosion. In the case of steel pipes, the corrosion suppression anodes are made of aluminium, while cupro-nickel pipes are protected against corrosion with ferrous anodes. When installed, corrosion rates are significantly reduced, extending the life of pipes and any other equipment that is connected to the seawater system.


  • Based on the electrolytic principle, providing continuous and reliable protection without the use of chemicals.
  • Approved by classification societies.
  • Every system custom designed for its particular application ensuring greater effectiveness.
  • Automatic operation – requires minimal attention and makes very little demands on crew time.
  • Easy installation – anodes can be installed in seachests or strainers at newbuilding or retrofit.
  • Environmentally friendly – does not involve the use of chlorine based chemicals or carcinogens.
  • A dual system combining pipework anti-fouling and corrosion suppression. A range of control panels and anodes to suit vessels of every size.

ICCP Systems

Nextcorr impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) hull corrosion protection systems reduce maintenance costs by preventing corrosion on the hulls of ships and offshore structures. We offer world leading ICCP technology combined with a wide understanding of corrosion problems and the most effective way of solving them.

The systems have been designed to be fitted on almost all types of vessels including but not limited to the following:

  • Commercial and cruise ships
  • Fast ferries with steel or aluminium hulls
  • Naval vessels
  • Fishing vessels and other workboats
  • Luxury yachts
ICCP Systems Site

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