FEROFORM and RAILKO are advanced engineering composite materials, exclusively manufactured by TENMAT, and are widely recognised as the industry standard for demanding applications such as stern tube, rudder and propeller bearings, steering gear, cranes, davits and many other applications. Fitted in over 8000 vessels worldwide, FEROFORM and RAILKO marine bearings offer ship owners, shipyards, designers and OEM’s considerable benefits in terms of performance, reliability, ease of use, availability and design.
TENMAT composite materials combine high strength with excellent wear resistance and durability, yielding high performance bearings for all types of service conditions, especially in arduous abrasive and sand laden waters, thus reducing maintenance and operating costs for end users. Furthermore, TENMAT composites are proven not to support biofouling which can help avoid premature wear due to organic growth.
Stern Tube Bearings
TENMAT composite bearings are approved by the major classification societies for use in:
- Stern Tube Bearings
- Propeller Shaft Bearings
- Bracket Bearings
FEROFORM and RAILKO bearings work with any type of water, run with smaller clearances than elastomeric bearings, are dimensionally and thermally more stable, and have superior wear resistance. Independent tests confirm that TENMAT materials have a significantly better wear resistance than elastomeric and polyester / polyester bearing materials from our major competitors. Thus providing ship owners with up to 4 times longer service life and lower operating costs.
Rudder Bearings
TENMAT FEROFORM and RAILKO grades of reinforced composite materials have been developed containing ‘built-in’ lubricants. The product not only meets the stringent requirements of pressure capability, low friction (very low stick-slip) and low water swell, and also have approvals for dry operation for upper Pintle bearings.
TENMAT composite bearings are approved by the major classification societies for use in
- Steering gear thrust rings
- Ram cross head
- Rudder cross head
- Carrier bushes and washers
- Rudder stock bushes
- Pintle bushes